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Offensive Tanz

Open Air Dance Performance

Super We, Super Me

Tasha Hess-Neustadt & Eevi Kinnunen

Apfelsinenplatz, Joachim-Gottschalk-Weg 41, 12353 Berlin

  • Time
  • LocationApfelsinenplatz, Joachim-Gottschalk-Weg 41, 12353 Berlin
  • Duration01:00:00 h
  • Age5+

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Super We, Super Me

What kind of superheroes do we need today? What could superheroes accomplish if they would work together as a team? How could I represent myself as a superhero? 

In an alternate universe with grape juice lakes, blueberry mountains, a lemon sun, and magical creatures, the two performers Tasha and Eevi question the images of strength and superpower that children grow up with. Together with designers Katri and Helene, they create a fantasy world full of objects, colors and sounds on the Apfelsinenplatz in Gropiusstadt. Working with the idea of 'queering the superhero' they represent multi-layered queer identities, through the characters Elastrix and Stromax. They take care of the galaxy and on the way learn to fly each other through the air. 

On three dates, they will present a colorful show about the experiences of the two superheroes, inviting the children to join them to explore the 'Apfelsinen Galaxien' together, in the SUPERHERO ADVENTURE GAME. The piece encourages curiosity and openness towards questions such as "Who are you?" or "Who do you want to be?"

free & outdoors
Link to the venue on Google Maps



A production of Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum Berlin as part of the RAUSGEHEN project, funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. In cooperation with Berlin Mondiale and the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde in Gropiusstadt.